
Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

6 Ways To Thrive During The 4th Trimester // Guest Post

6 Ways To Thrive During The 4th Trimester // Guest Post

The first 3+ months after having a baby is special, challenging, and filled with so many precious moments. During this time, your baby will want to be held, rocked, shushed, bundled up, and your body is still recovering from pregnancy and birth. In addition to taking care of your new bundle and taking care of yourself, life still goes on. There are still dishes to do, meals to cook, and even more laundry to wash. The combination of trying to heal physically, while keeping up with your to-do list (to the best of your ability), and taking care of a newborn is no joke…and we haven’t even begun to talk about the sleepless nights, or hearing that little cry as soon as you take your first bite of food all day. Needless to say, the fourth trimester is far from easy, but all of this hard work is well worth it.

In fact, the fourth trimester is just a small blip in your life. These few months of effort will pass so quickly in the grand scheme of things and you will have this little, amazing person to love for the rest of your life. Even on your hardest days, knowing this can help you get by. And don’t get me wrong: the fourth trimester isn’t all hard. Snuggling with your newborn has got to be one of the best feelings in the whole world. Plus, there are plenty of things that you can do to make this time blissful. If you want my tips for surviving the 4th trimester, here they are. Hopefully these ways to thrive during the 4th trimester will help any new mom that comes across this post.

6 ways to thrive during the 4th trimester

Drink a ton of water
With everything you’re going through in the postpartum season, your body needs hydration like never before. Especially if you’re nursing! Make sure that you’re drinking lots of water throughout your day. Not only will this help you feel better and nourish your body, but it’ll also help with swelling and recovery in general!

Self-care is important
Remember: self-care is important. It can be challenging to find time for yourself right now, but take the time to wash your hair, take a bath, or even sleep in one morning. Whatever you need, make it a priority and don’t lose yourself and your needs.

Take it easy
It seems like this would be a given, but some of us (ahem, me) really struggle with “being still” for a season. Take a season off of work, don’t commit to obligations, and let yourself mentally rest. This is the season to just be with your little one, enjoy the cuddles, and rest in the simplicity of these fourth trimester days. Your work will be there for years to come, but every day, your baby will grow a little more.

Give yourself grace
One thing that I always tell people? Give yourself grace. There will be hard days and there will be easy days. You don’t have to do it all and you don’t have to hold yourself together. Give yourself time to heal - mentally and physically. And, another thing to keep in mind is that completely healing from having a baby actually takes a pretty long time! It’s ok to embrace that and take your time as well. Don’t rush the process, take care of yourself, and allow yourself to fully heal slowly and carefully.

Ask for help
I truly think that this is the BEST tip there is for surviving the fourth trimester. You will need help, mama! Whether it’s your husband, a friend, a caretaker, a family member, or hired help. Ask for someone to stay with you through your time in the hospital and for the next several weeks! If anything, the emotional support of just having someone else there can do so much for your soul during this time. 

Are you finishing up the nursery? Have someone watch the baby, or do the heavy lifting for you, while you get other tasks done. Does your house need a deep clean? Hire a cleaner. Moving soon? Hire movers! Seriously, the deed of just asking for help can be so beneficial for you. And, if moving is on your list and you are looking for a great moving team that can help make the process stress-free, check out Bluebell Relocation Services, especially if you are moving from NJ to NY. Bluebell is highly experienced, highly reviewed, and aims to make the process easy and stress-free for you, which is exactly what you need. They are fully licensed, they have a flexible schedule + discounts, they offer reliable service at an affordable rate, and most importantly, they will listen to your needs!

Slowly find a rhythm
Although I don’t think it should be rushed at all, I do think that eventually, we need to figure out how to get back into the rhythm of everyday life. This can be something small like grabbing a coffee out of the house, doing a load or two of dishes, or walking with a friend. When you are ready, figure out how to make this work, without stress. You could try babywearing - it has been a lifesaver for many - or bringing a helping hand along with you the first few times that you leave the house. You’ve got this, mama!

There are so many things that you can do to rock and thrive during the 4th trimester and although these are just a few tips, I think that they will greatly improve how you feel during this important time of your life! 

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