Aging Out Of The Industry // Polka Dot Dress + Silver Heels — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Aging Out Of The Industry // Polka Dot Dress + Silver Heels

Aging Out Of The Industry // Polka Dot Dress + Silver Heels

About five years ago, I can actually be quoted saying, “I definitely don’t want to still be blogging by the time I turn 30.” I was 23 at the time and figured I’d be way up the corporate ladder by my 30th birthday. Well, less than a year and a half away from the big 3-0 (cue the tears), I’m not only still blogging, but I’m doing it full time. 

Every year has brought with it new opportunities, but I recently got hit with a hard truth: I’m aging out. Now before you freak out and say, “But you’re only 28(!),” know that I’m not saying I’m aging out of the industry as a whole, but I do have to come to terms that there are many campaigns I’m simply not eligible for anymore because of my age. 

Most recently, I lost out on a huge video campaign for erasable highlighters. You may be thinking that’s a pretty random campaign to be disappointed about, but I was basically the queen of cute school supplies growing up. I would spend hours choosing the prettiest notebooks, the coolest pens, the most beautiful day planner... The first day of school for me was basically as exciting as the first day of camp for other people, so when the brand told me I was too old to participate, I was crushed. But here’s the thing, I’m not a student anymore and haven’t been in over 6 years. I have zero idea what’s trending on college campuses these days and I can guarantee you I’m out of date with college slang. My life has moved on, I got married, and to be honest, I don’t miss studying for exams one bit. 

So yea, I’m aging out of all the college campaigns and while I’m kinda bummed, I’m also excited for the campaigns my future self will get to take part in as I age and start new chapters of my life. Married life has brought with it some pretty awesome opportunities and I can only imagine what’s to come when a house, kids, and dog come into the picture. I guess the lesson here is to just appreciate every stage of life and recognize the good each year has to offer. But can I please stay in my 20’s forever?!

Photography: Allie Provost

xx Esther

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