Trescool Chambray Dress // 10 Ways To Overcome Writer's Block — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Trescool Chambray Dress // 10 Ways To Overcome Writer's Block

Trescool Chambray Dress // 10 Ways To Overcome Writer's Block

For a blogger, there is nothing worse than writer’s block. We’re constantly on deadline and the last thing we want to do is bore our readers, so the pressure is definitely on to create interesting content. All the time. I actually suffered from writer’s block all last week, which is how I came to the topic of this post: 10 Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block. It’s not easy, but it can be done.

  1. Switch locations.
    I work from home and when I’m cooped up for long periods of time in my room, I lose all creativity. Sometimes hanging out on my balcony for a few minutes does the trick, but oftentimes, I have to physically switch locations and go to a coffee shop in order to get my brain back in writing mode.

  2. Take a walk.
    If you don’t feel like packing up all your stuff and finding a new workspace, at least walk around the block a few times to clear your head.

  3. Get dressed.
    I love keeping my pajamas on all day, but when you change your clothes, you also usually change your mindset. The Trescool chambray dress I’m wearing in this post is a great option.

  4. Eat a snack.
    Or better yet, make yourself a snack. Distract yourself for a bit. Let your mind wander and refresh as you play around in the kitchen.

  5. Ask a friend.
    The purpose of my blog is to give readers an insider’s look into the blogging industry, so when I’m out of ideas, I ask friends what aspects of my blogging life either confuse, amuse, or interest them.

  6. Just start writing.
    You never know what may pop out.

  7. Listen to music.
    Maybe the lyrics will inspire a post, or at least get you back in a creative state.

  8. Do NOT watch a movie.
    I don’t care what you say, movies are distracting. They will only make you zone out and get off track.

  9. Brainstorm.
    Force yourself to write down at least 15 topic ideas, even if you’ve written about them before. If you can’t think of a new topic, maybe try to expand on an old one.

  10. Check out other blogs.
    See what other bloggers are writing about. Without copying their content, get inspired by their blog post titles. If you see any topics you like, just write about them from your own viewpoint.

Denim Tie Waist Off Shoulder Dress: Trescool (c/o)
Silver Initial Necklace: Mejuri (c/o)
Red Lace-Up Heels: French Connection/Bloomingdale’s

Photography: Griffin Ungar

xx Esther

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