Calico Fur Vest + Black Buckle Booties // 5 Bad Habits To Ditch In The New Year — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Calico Fur Vest + Black Buckle Booties // 5 Bad Habits To Ditch In The New Year

Calico Fur Vest + Black Buckle Booties // 5 Bad Habits To Ditch In The New Year

Everyone loves the New Year. It means a fresh start and the promise of new opportunities. The New Year encourages people to become more than they are. It motivates them to set new goals and aspirations, but sometimes you have to shed the old habits in order to make room for new ones. So before you start writing your long list of resolutions and all the things you’d like to implement in 2018, take a minute to think about the habits you’d like to leave behind in 2017. Here are my top 5.

  1. Waking up late(r than 10am during the week).
    This is probably my worst habit, and I say habit, because I generally get enough sleep to wake up at a normal hour. Yet I can’t help but hit the snooze button, sometimes all the way til’ noon. No promises, but in 2018, I’d like to kick this bad habit to the curb.
  2. Not using the canned responses I wrote and saved in Google Drive months ago.
    So much of my time is wasted by answering similar emails over and over again. Efficiency is the key to success, so I need to utilize every time saving method I can.
  3. Working from bed.
    I’ve basically stopped doing this, but I have a home office for a reason and it’s time I take advantage. No matter what anyone tells you, you will never work to your full capacity while lying in bed.
  4. Saving returns for the last minute.
    I’m sure I’m not the only one who has missed a return cut off and been stuck with a purchase I seriously didn’t want. Here’s to making sure that habit gets left in 2017!
  5. Keeping clothes I haven’t worn in over a year.
    I’m a complete hoarder when it comes to my clothes. I’m attached to each and every piece and could probably tell you a story behind every one. That being said, it’s time I bid adieu to my entire high school wardrobe and then some.

What habit do you want to ditch in the New Year?

Beige Sweater Dress: ASOS
Calico Fur Vest: Zara
Black Tights: Hue
Black Buckle Booties: DSW (c/o)

xx Esther

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