Fur Collared Coat — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Fur Collared Coat

Fur Collared Coat

Fur Collared Coat - Louboutins and Love Fashion Blog by Esther Santer
Fur Collared Coat - Louboutins and Love Fashion Blog by Esther Santer
Fur Collared Coat - Louboutins and Love Fashion Blog by Esther Santer

I know I say it a lot (blame Rachel Zoe), but this coat is everything. There is a very short lapse of time when we New York residents have the opportunity to sport our fall coats, so the second the season starts changing, we make sure to have them ready. Collecting beautiful lightweight jackets also seems to be the only source of solace I find as I watch summer disappear, only to be replaced by unbearable cold weather. 

This Zara coat is my latest closet addiction in the realm of outerwear. The fur collar had me sold from the moment I saw it. It comes in this foresty green color (which looks strangely brown in the 'behind the scenes' shot I posted above) or pink. My pink phase ended with the 9th grade, so I opted to buy the green version.

The last thing I will say about coats is that they are the item to splurge on. Forget the fancy sweater or the statement necklace, buy the coat... and the shoes.

Fur collared coat: Zara
Flared black skirt: H&M
Black Mules: Zara

Photo Credit: Flint Chaney

xx Esther

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