Black And White Checkered Shorts
James Perse white tee, Zara shorts, B.P. Nordstrom necklace, Zara teal heel
The picture says it all. These checkered shorts are awesome and black and white is all the rage this season. Proof: Take one step into Zara.
It was quite a day walking up and down these stairs approximately 50 times in 5'' heels trying to get the perfect shot, but I believe it was entertaining for those watching, gathered from the fact that one person actually stood up and blatantly stared for the entirety of the shoot.
Things got a little crazy as the day winded down, and although, "What happens at the shoot stays at the shoot" are the words repeated at work, I'd say photoshoots for leisure dissipate such a clause. I'm not about to give photographic evidence, but let's just say, you know that little emoji running man who looks as if he is about to topple over with one more step..
No one actually runs like that, but Elaine Atzmon can. Just give her a crosswalk, a red light, and enough space (optional). Love you cuz and happy early birthday!
xx Esther