My First Outfit Postpartum // Monochrome Beige Look + White Booties — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

My First Outfit Postpartum // Monochrome Beige Look + White Booties

My First Outfit Postpartum // Monochrome Beige Look + White Booties

My life has been so motherhood focused these days that I completely forgot the part of me that used to revolve around getting looks up on the blog, but I just spent the last hour catching up with a blogger friend and I am feeling so energized and ready to get back to work. I guess the best way to jump back in is to share some of the outfits I managed to shoot over the past year (I cannot believe I have a one year old already!!), starting with the very first outfit I wore postpartum.

I remember feeling so good getting dressed so soon after having a baby. My clothes fit pretty much right away, probably due to the fact that my traumatic birth kept me in the hospital for a week on nothing but IV fluids. And when I was finally given permission to have my first bite of real food, all I had lying around was a granola bar. Morning could not come soon enough because my husband ran over to the bagel store to pick up the loaded lox bagel I had been craving for the previous 9 months.

Anyway, this was me - fresh into motherhood. My mom was in town watching Nate so I could run outside for a photo. One year later, good luck seeing me in anything other than leggings. As exhausting as newborn life was, once Nate started crawling, my life flipped completely upside down. My days became busy in a way I never expected and getting dressed became near impossible. But with my newfound energy (which I am hoping will last longer than the time it takes to write this post), who knows what I’ll be wearing in 2023. Should we take bets?

xx Esther

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