Esther Santer

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Decluttering Takeaways // Green Sweat Set + White Sneakers

I’ve had a love of organizing for as long as I can remember and lately, I’m hooked on podcasts that discuss all things decluttering and tidying up. I’ll literally listen to an hour straight of step by step instructions on how to clear out your office space as I sit there staring at my singular notebook and pen, but somehow each episode still brings me joy.

As a minimal-ish person, with an emphasis on the ish, I have a hard time letting go of the sentimental items, the unused gifts, the clothes I used to live in, but would never wear again… But I find listening to the podcasts, even if they’re discussing creative ways to store the Christmas decorations I do not have, puts me in a motivated mindset to clear out even just one more item from my space.

My greatest takeaway - decluttering and organizing are very different things and as good as your items look organized in beautiful plastic bins, you’ll be cleaning them out for the rest of your life unless you learn to declutter as well.

Another thought that has really stayed with me - Stop the cycle of passing down generational clutter. By keeping something in your space that you do not like or enjoy just because it came from a late relative, what you are really doing is passing down clutter and guilt to the next generation. If your relative knew that their old possessions were causing you anguish or affecting the way you feel in your home, they would demand you got rid of them. Keep a few items you love, take pictures of the rest, and then get rid of what doesn’t serve you.

My Top 3 Decluttering Podcast Recs:
The Mind Your Home Podcast
Declutter Your Chaos
ClutterBug Podcast

xx Esther