Esther Santer

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Debunking 8 Common Misconceptions About Fashion Bloggers // White Midi Dress + Pink Accessories

There are a lot of misconceptions about bloggers out there, so I figured I’d put some of the most popular ones to rest with this post. Let me know which one you’re most surprised by in the comments below!

  1. Bloggers with a lot of followers make a lot of money.
    The amount of followers you have doesn’t determine your income. Follower count is one of many metrics to show when pitching brands, but at the end of the day, a blogger’s income is determined by how hard you hustle, how well you negotiate, and how much effort you put into your relationships.

  2. All bloggers do is take pictures of themselves.
    And pitch brands, answer emails, negotiate deals, plan shoots, run websites, book photographers, write blog posts, invoice brands, brainstorm creative content, edit pictures, post on social media, keep up with DMs…

  3. Blogging is easy.
    I really really wish this one were true, but it’s emotionally and physically draining constantly trying to get work and experiencing the rejection that comes along with that.

  4. You need money to start a blog.
    I won’t lie, money makes it easier because then you can hire the best photographers and buy the best clothes, but you don’t NEED money. As long as you have Instagram and a camera on your phone, you’re good to go. 

  5. It’s too late to become a blogger.
    Definitely not true, although it is harder to grow now that the space is so saturated. On the plus side though, there is so much knowledge out there now about how to run a successful blog that someone who starts now doesn’t have to go through the same trials and errors older bloggers did. Also, since influencer pricing has started to peak, brands are now seeking to work with fresh faces, so it’s much easier to get work as a small blogger.

  6. Bloggers don’t pay for anything.
    This is true for a lot of things, mainly related to makeup and clothes, but we have plenty of other expenses like rent, utility bills, food, insurance, medical expenses... Also, there are many instances where we actually choose to buy something simply because we don’t want to do the work that comes with receiving “free” product. For example, my husband and I generally choose to pay for hotels when we travel so we can just enjoy ourselves on vacation without the pressure of taking photos.

  7. Bloggers are superficial.
    They can be, but I hope to serve as an example of a blogger who is deeper than the outfits you see me wearing. Many of us strive to inspire others and even change the world, just a little bit.

  8. Bloggers’ lives are perfect.
    Even I fall into this detrimental mindset sometimes, believing that other bloggers have it so easy, but then I talk to the humans behind the photos and realize that we all struggle and experience hardships in different ways.

White Midi Dress: Anthem
Pink Bag: Zac Posen
Pink Headband: Ma Barette
Pink Jeweled Sandals: Bruno Magli

Photography: Laurel Creative

xx Esther

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