10 Best Organizing Tips // Snakeskin Skirt + White Sweatshirt — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

10 Best Organizing Tips // Snakeskin Skirt + White Sweatshirt

10 Best Organizing Tips // Snakeskin Skirt + White Sweatshirt

I’ve been blessed with a love of organizing. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean my apartment always looks super neat, but the insides of my drawers and closets alway do. It’s not even something I grew into as an adult; I’ve just been wired this way for as long as I can remember. I used to spend hours every weekend reorganizing photo boxes, color coding my clothes, and rearranging the contents of my drawers. I actually enjoyed it and I still do.

The busier I get and the more packages I receive as a blogger though, the harder it is to keep my apartment neat. Clothes and beauty products pile up and there’s only so much physical space I have to store everything. I’m constantly gifting and donating excess, but life gets busy and there’s not always time to sort through the piles, so sometimes by the end of the week, there are messes everywhere. I also get bogged down with the dishes, laundry, and general cleaning, so even an organized person like me can wind up living in a tornado. Fortunately, the messes are pretty easy to clean (once I find the time) because my apartment has an organized foundation, but getting that foundation can be tricky if you’re not innately neat. Read on for my 10 best organizing tips:

  1. Be thoughtful with your purchases.
    You obviously can’t work backwards on this one, but moving forward, before you buy anything, ask yourself if you would want it in your future home. You’d be surprised how many items you’ll start putting back on the shelves. This mindset not only helps me eliminate potential clutter, but it also inspires me to invest in quality products that will hopefully last for years to come.

  2. Learn to let go.
    I have a really hard time with this one as I get extremely attached to my clothes, but nothing feels as good as finding a new home for all the pieces you no longer wear. You can start slow, but once you make that first donation drop off and see all the extra closet space you now have, you’ll be addicted to clearing out old items.

  3. Don’t buy multiples.
    As tempting as it is, don’t buy what you don’t need. Unless it’s toilet paper or plastic cutlery, there are really very few items you need to stock up on “just in case.” Be honest with yourself what you actually consume and shop accordingly. Just because batteries are on sale, you don’t need to get 100. They will probably sit in your closet for years to come because honestly, aside from TV remotes, I don’t even know what electronics use batteries anymore.

  4. Fold clothes the Marie Kondo way.  
    Her folding method is seriously a game changer. Clothes take up less space and by folding everything standing up, you’ll finally be able to see exactly what you have in your drawers. You can watch her method here.

  5. Utilize trays.
    I use a tray under my sink to store cleaning products, in my vanity drawer to organize my makeup, in my desk to keep my office supplies neat, and on my coffee table as decoration. Trays are amazing because they make it easy to keep items separate and in order. I’m a big fan of JR William acrylic trays since they’re heavy duty and really pretty.  

  6. Invest in some shelf dividers.
    I can’t take credit for this tip, but I saw Danielle Bernstein of WeWoreWhat using shelf dividers in her closet and I can see what a difference they make, especially if you store your sweaters or linens on closet shelves. The dividers keep the stacks from toppling over or looking messy.

  7. Organize papers in folders.
    One of the fastest ways to accumulate clutter is by letting random papers and receipts pile up. Go to Target, buy some 80 cent folders, and start sorting. I have a folder for each of the following categories: important documents (leases, contracts, medical records etc), anything work related (pay stubs etc), and recipes. I keep receipts and sentimental cards in separate shoe boxes.
    I go one step further and turn one additional folder into a scrapbook every year. I fill it with page protectors and insert any papers that elicit good memories, like NYFW invites, sweet cards from brands, polaroids from events, vacation itineraries… By keeping the papers all together and tucked away in plastic protectors, they no longer create clutter and I now have the easiest DIY scrapbook that I can look back at for years to come.

  8. Make a pajama basket.
    I’m very particular in that everything I own have a specific place, but I was getting lost in what to do with my husband’s and my pajamas. I didn’t want to mix them with our clean clothes and I was going crazy with them always landing on the floor every morning, so I decided to get a “pajama basket.” Just like that, we no longer have clothes on our floor and our pajamas are always right where we need them. I also keep a basket for throw blankets under our side table in the living room.

  9. Start using the items that are causing clutter.
    It’s easy to hoard items when you live with a “just in case” mindset, but if you realize your stockpiles haven’t moved in months or even years, it’s time to let go. As someone who has a hard time just getting rid of stuff, I recommend bringing the items out of storage and starting to use them if you can, like the 500 holiday napkins you bought that you barely make a dent in every year. If any of the clutter is unusable, like the extra sets of dishes you can’t seem to part with even though you replaced them years ago, it’s time to donate.

  10. Learn to keep counters and tables clear.
    This tip is probably one of the hardest, but as soon as you learn to let go of the clutter, you’ll be able to find places for everything you own and you’ll no longer need to store items in plain sight. The amount of counter space you should leave clear will definitely depend on the size of your home, but if you have a small kitchen like I do, you should be putting away almost every appliance when you’re done with it, even the toaster because there’s simply not enough room. Pens should be kept in your desk, dishes in the cabinets, and mail in a designated spot.
    Keeping your counters and tables clear will not only instantly make your home look organized, but you’ll feel better too. All of a sudden, last minute company won’t feel so daunting and your space will give you peace of mind.

Let me know your best organizational tip in the comments below!

White Frenchie Sweatshirt: H&M
Snakeskin Mini Skirt: Zara
Black 712 Camera Bag: Henri Bendel (c/o)
Black Tights: Hue
Black Over The Knee Boots: Ivanka Trump (c/o)

Photography: My Mom

xx Esther

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