My Biggest Fashion And Beauty Mistakes // Jean Overall Dress Over Cashmere Sweater — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

My Biggest Fashion And Beauty Mistakes // Jean Overall Dress Over Cashmere Sweater

My Biggest Fashion And Beauty Mistakes // Jean Overall Dress Over Cashmere Sweater

We’ve all had our fair share of regrettable fashion and beauty moments, some worse than others. Thankfully, I’ve outgrown my own, but I walked down memory lane to give you guys a little taste. I’m sure I’ll look back in twenty years and find 10 more, but for now, enjoy reading my worst. Thanks to one of my awesome Instagram followers for suggesting this post idea.

My Biggest Beauty Mistakes:

  1. Short layers
    When I was 17, I went to a new hairstylist and told her to do whatever she thought would look good on me. She wound up giving me short layers, some of which were only two inches long! Imagine a horrendously choppy haircut that poofed out so big you would have thought I was from the 80s. Maybe this one wasn’t my fault, but I definitely added to the nightmare by not using hair tools or creams to try and tame the awful haircut.

  2. Bangs
    To make matters worse, I let me roommate give me bangs one night, so on top of the horrible haircut, I had hair falling in my face. The heavy front bangs also made my overall haircut look larger than life.

  3. Heavy black eyeliner
    I was pretty young during my eyeliner phase, but raccoon eyes, much?

  4. The low side pony
    Pre-bad haircut, I still didn’t bother with my hair at all, so I used to leave it in a low side pony every day. If only I had braided it because without any styling products, it just looked like a big poof of hair on my shoulder.

  5. Dying my hair black
    Clearly my beauty mistakes revolved mostly around my hair and this one was particularly bad because I looked almost witch-like with my pale skin and jet black hair.

My Biggest Fashion Mistakes:

  1. Hats
    I have a really small face so hats don’t generally suit me. Add the heavy bangs I never bothered to straighten and you’ve got yourself a hot mess.

  2. Mixing too many colors
    I think I was just a little too adventurous with clothes in my high school days.

  3. Ties
    You can thank Avril Lavigne for that one.

  4. Ugly sneakers.
    And not the type of ugly sneakers that are currently trending. I’m talking about grey sketchers with dirty laces.

  5. That time I wore a cute baseball/bunny t-shirt with the word PlayBall on it to school
    I was a naive child.

xx Esther

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