Why We Decided To Get Married On September 11 — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Why We Decided To Get Married On September 11

Why We Decided To Get Married On September 11

I know what you're thinking. September 11. Wow, that's crazy. It's bad luck, it's disrespectful to the victims, it's weird... don't worry, I thought that too. But even with all the stigmas around September 11, my fiancé and I still went ahead and booked our dream hall on that very unforgettable date. Here's why.

It is an absolute dream of mine to get married outside. Good weather is never a guarantee, but if you want to give yourself the best odds, September is definitely the month to bet on. Being as neither my fiancé nor I wanted to wait another year plus to get married, the only option was to get married this coming September.

Once we were set on the month, we started searching everywhere for a hall available on our preferred date, Sunday, September 10. Or any Sunday at all. Everything. I mean everything. Was booked solid.

We finally caved and started looking for halls available during the week. The following dates became our only September options at all our favorite venues - Monday, September 11 or Tuesday, September 12. Once we became okay with a weekday wedding, my fiancé and I wanted to opt for the Tuesday, but both our families are from out of state which means that we would be asking everyone we know to take off Monday, Tuesday, and potentially Wednesday morning from work to fly in. A Monday wedding would at least give guests the weekend before to travel. It's an unfortunate date, but we knew it would be the better option for our families and friends.

Another reason September was so important to us is that there are many Jewish holidays coming up that spread out from the end of September through the end of October. We wanted to spend the holidays together worry free, eating what we want, and not focusing on anything other than each other. Choosing September 11 is going to make that happen.

We spoke to a lot of people before booking September 11 and I read through at least 10 forums of anxiety filled brides who had the same dilemma of should I or shouldn't I. These were the best 5 pieces of advice I read or was told on the matter.

  1. Your wedding is about you and your future husband. The date should not at all be a factor, unless it's something that YOU can't live with. If your guests want to judge you for it, then they're idiots. And by the way, speaking of judgmental people… There have been a few VERY critical fashion bloggers who made some pretty mean comments. Do you want to know what those girls will be doing on September 11? They’ll be attending New York Fashion Week, just like I did for the last four years.
  2. Getting married on September 11 is basically saying f* you to terrorism.
  3. It's a very positive thing to bring such a happy occasion to such a sad day.
  4. September 11 is a hard date because it's fresh and we all remember it, but do you really think people don't get married on Pearl Harbor?
  5. Unfortunately, there are attacks almost every day now. Every day is a sad day and if people chose their wedding dates based on world events, no one would ever get married.

I still have reservations about the date, but I'm excited to make the day memorable for more than just a horrendous day of terror. And believe me, no one will forget our anniversary.

Hair: DryBar (c/o) 
Photography: Lilian Haidar

xx Esther

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