Metallic Midi Skirt + Graphic Tee // 5 Mistakes Brands Make When Pitching Influencers — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Metallic Midi Skirt + Graphic Tee // 5 Mistakes Brands Make When Pitching Influencers

Metallic Midi Skirt + Graphic Tee // 5 Mistakes Brands Make When Pitching Influencers

I have a love hate relationship with my email inbox. Some days it fills up with exciting opportunities and event invites, and other times it just gets crowded with spam and extremely poorly written brand pitches. I actually have to force myself not to respond to some of the emails I receive with brutal critique, but I know it would do me no good in the long run. Instead, like I always do, I decided to create a blog post with my best advice directed towards brands that just don’t seem to understand influencer marketing yet.

If you’re a brand that’s having a hard time reaching influencers, maybe no one is responding or you can’t seem to get quality bloggers to work with you, this post is for you. Here are the top 5 mistakes brands make when pitching influencers. Avoid the following and trust me, your next campaign will be much more successful.

  1. Keep your emails short.
    There is one agency in particular that sends brand pitches that are about two pages long and always in tiny font. The emails go through an entire brand description, every post requirement, and a much too complicated approval process. Many of their campaigns are paid (minimally), but that’s mentioned at the very end. I have not and will not work with this agency until they cut down their emails. I do not have the time or energy to read through so much information and the requirements they list are never worth the amount of money they offer.
    Advice: Send a short proposal and see if I’m even interested in working with the brand before you bombard me with all the details. Also, please don’t send me paragraph descriptions of the brand. Just a link will do.
  2. Use bloggers’ names.
    There is absolutely no reason a brand should be sending an impersonal email when almost every blogger includes her name in her bio. The worst is when I receive an email that says, “Hello, Louboutins!” That is NOT my name. In fact, that’s the beginning of my old blog title which I don’t even use anymore. Those emails get deleted on the spot.
    Advice: Take the 5 seconds to look up a blogger’s name. It’s really not difficult.
  3. Don’t over compliment.
    Almost every brand starts with, “I love your Instagram feed! You have such great style.” We know it’s a canned intro; however, it’s completely acceptable. But stop there! Once you start including an obviously templated paragraph about how much you loved my latest blog post and even include a link, it’s over. Bloggers appreciate genuinity. We want to build a real relationship with your brand, so minimize the insincerity as much as possible.
    Advice: You’re emailing us because you love our style and feed, so tell us that, but then move on to explain why you’re reaching out.
  4. Don’t make it all about you.
    The worst pitch you can possibly send is one that only discusses how I can help you. I get a lot of emails, mostly from app developers, who tell me how exciting their app is, but they need my help getting the word out since they’re so new. They then ask me to please spread the word and download. What I get in return: Early access. So basically, you want me to take the time to download your app, tell my friends about it, write a post about it, share the post on Instagram… in exchange for being able to download it early? Sorry, but no incentive equals no partnership.
    Advice: I understand that new brands don’t generally have a marketing budget, but you need to leverage something in order to make me want to help you or at least make your pitch about how your app will make my life easier. Tell me why I need this app, not why you need my help.
  5. Keep your demands in check.
    I recently got an email from a brand who wanted 2 Instagram posts and 2 Instagram Stories, and one of those images had to be of someone else wearing their company’s t-shirt in a specified location. In exchange, they were offering $50 and a t-shirt. Your requirements need to match the compensation. There is no way I’m traveling to a location, dragging a friend with me to photograph, and posting that many images to my Instagram for $50.
    Advice: Even if the compensation is product, you need to be realistic about the value of what you’re offering and understand what kind of deliverables it warrants.

Metallic Pink Midi Skirt: Rachel Roy (c/o)
More Issues Than Vogue Tee: Tees and Tank You (c/o)
Black Lips Clutch: Burlap 2 Cashmere (c/o)
Black Klover Sandals: Ivanka Trump (c/o)

Photography: Griffin Ungar

xx Esther

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