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Too Gold Street // L&L Blogger Spotlight

Name: Nicole Franco
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Blog Name/URL:
IG handle: @toogoldstreet

1. What inspired you to start blogging?
I think blogging has been something I’ve been interested in ever since the days of following Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast, Carolina Engman of Fashion Squad, Elin Kling, and so many other bloggers who really changed the game in fashion and blogging. I remember saving so many blogs in my Favorites tab on my computer so I could check them regularly for new content (the stone age days before Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, etc.) I loved seeing how everyday people who weren’t editors or models or industry insiders were showcasing their own style and their take on runway trends. It was something that was so new and relatable. I think that is what inspired me to start blogging, to show that fashion can be relatable and your style is something that is totally created on your own.

2. What has been your greatest accomplishment through blogging?
My biggest accomplishment through blogging has been actually just taking the plunge and starting my blog. I had always wanted to start blogging, but never had the courage to 100% fully commit to it. The whole idea of becoming a “blogger’ can be daunting and thinking that you have to always look chic and have a picture perfect life, which is totally not the case. You learn as you go and you make mistakes, but every single blogger has gone through it. No one starts a perfect blog and has success overnight. Blogging is definitely a work in progress with so much unseen work that goes into it but it can be so rewarding if it’s something you enjoy, which I do!

3. What’s your signature pose?
My signature pose is looking to the side or not directly at the camera while walking or trying to do a relaxed pose that almost looks candid (or at least I try to make it look like that!). Always with sunglasses and probably have my hair somewhat in my face.

4. What is your thought process when putting an outfit together?
My first thought when putting an outfit together is comfort because being comfortable in an outfit equals a chic outfit, always. My next thoughts are what will the weather be like, where am I going and with who. I am definitely known as the person to always overdress for everything, but I’d rather be a bit overdressed for any occasion than feel self conscious about my outfit for not getting the dress code memo. When I’m putting together an outfit to shoot for my blog, I usually try to think, “Ok, would I actually wear this somewhere other than for my blog?” I like to take a few style risks here and there with blog outfits, but I also understand that I’m not a walking editorial straight out of Vogue. I think seeing someone style a runway trend in an organic way is so much more relatable to readers versus seeing someone wear every single trend you can think of for the season in one outfit.

5. What would be your dream brand collab?
There are so many to choose from! I think my dream brand collab would have to be Alexander Wang. I absolutely love his designs and his badass/effortless/cool girl aesthetic. Every collection he has ever made has never failed me. Every season I fall in love all over again.

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