Grey Sweatshirt Dress + OTK Boots // The Pros and Cons of Blogging — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Grey Sweatshirt Dress + OTK Boots // The Pros and Cons of Blogging

Grey Sweatshirt Dress + OTK Boots // The Pros and Cons of Blogging

Blogging has many perks. Just scroll through any blogger’s Instagram feed and that will become imminently obvious. The “free” clothes and bags and shoes and jewelry and makeup. Let’s not forget the fabulous events, hotel stays, and all expenses paid vacations. Nothing can be all good though, so here’s the list of the top 5 pros and cons of fashion blogging.

The Pros:

  1. Working with companies I love.
    As a blogger, I have had the opportunity to work with incredible companies like Henri Bendel, Maybelline, and Zac Posen!
  2. Meeting amazing people.
    When you get an invite to Ivanka Trump’s holiday party… that’s gotta mean something, right?
  3. Getting featured.
    I’ve been a magazine addict since I was a teenager, so there is nothing like seeing myself featured on those glorious glossy pages. I’m still working up to a Style Watch or Cosmopolitan feature, but here’s hoping 2017 will be the year!
  4. The swag.
    If I never have to purchase face wash and shampoo again, that’s fine with me! :)
  5. The opportunity.
    As a blogger, the world is truly your oyster. If you build a big enough following, there is literally nothing you can’t do.

The Cons:

  1. Working with companies.
    I recently worked with a company to feature a little silk slip dress. They asked me not to wear a jacket over the dress so it would be completely visible in photos. I agreed to those terms; however, since it’s the middle of winter, I found it necessary to layer the dress over a turtleneck. I posted the image, the dress was perfectly in view, but the company emailed me afterwards upset that I layered the dress over something. Brands sometimes don’t understand that it’s absolutely insane to request a blogger to shoot in a sleeveless slip dress in 20 degree weather.
  2. The deadlines.
    Sometimes companies give extremely tight deadlines, which means you better get to work. Fast.
  3. The pressure.
    There is so much competition. If you start comparing and competing against other bloggers, the pressure could kill you.
  4. The time commitment.
    If you’re serious about blogging, expect your life to be consumed with all things blog all the time.
  5. The taxes.
    You know all those “free” things bloggers receive? We have to pay taxes on that. I can guarantee most bloggers don’t, but I’m sure the IRS will crack down soon enough. After all, they only need to scroll through our blogs to see photographic evidence of everything we’ve been gifted over the years.

Grey Sweatshirt Dress: Zara
Black Over The Knee Boots: Ivanka Trump (c/o)

xx Esther

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