Introducing Luvit — Esther Santer

Hello, my name is Esther!

I'm a first time boy mama living in New York City. I love discussing life, motherhood, and my favorite baby product recs. New posts every Sunday and Wednesday!

Current Obsessions:
Alpaca Sweaters
Acrylic Bins

Introducing Luvit

Introducing Luvit

There are a lot of apps out there, but as I’m sure my fellow iPhone users know all too well, there is never enough space! That’s why we need to be extremely selective with the apps we download and find ones that are actually worth those precious gigabytes. Instagram is a given and you obviously need your Unfollow app, but after bumming yourself out about how many followers you just lost, download Luvit and treat yourself to a shopping spree.

Luvit is a social community where users can shop emerging designers’ pieces, from clothing to art. You choose what categories interest you. It’s fun to browse through all the options and it’s super easy to keep tabs on what you like either by "luving it," clicking the heart next to the photo, or adding it to a curated list. The lists are great for yourself to look through later, either to purchase from or just get a little inspo, but even better, you earn cash back every time you or someone else buys an item you luv’d. You don’t have to upload any photos or tag brands. Just luv.

I’m clearly excited by the earning possibilities from Luvit, but I also love the fact that the app features so many emerging brands. I’m a Zara addict, but sometimes I wish my wardrobe were more diverse. I don’t have the time to hunt for unique pieces at cute little boutiques, so Luvit finds the styles for me. All I have to do is browse through my home feed. One brand I was particularly happy to discover was Genuine People.  Fingers crossed I’ll be wearing one of their designs in an upcoming blog post. Give Luvit a try and let me know what you think!

Download Luv.It now and follow me @esthersanter.

Photo Credit: Melenie Greg

xx Esther

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